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How do (or don't) young people make a living in the creative industries?


Creative industries are a growing sector of the economy with particular appeal for young people, but little is still known about the process of creating this work.  What’s more, little is known about emerging creative and economic directions, and how they differ from established ones.
From anecdotes and from young people sharing their stories, we understand that youth entering the creative industries experience challenges in their early years of work. But what exactly are these challenges?  The Young People Making a Living in the Creative Industries project is setting out to identify and evaluate these challenges, focusing on income earning in the entry phase to creative industries work.

Are you:

  • 18-35 years old?

  • Working in a creative field (music, performance, visual arts, fashion, design, writing and publishing, film, photography, or new and / or interdisciplinary forms of creative work) either for yourself or for a creative industries company?

  • Either supporting yourself strictly from creative work, or complimenting your income with outside work?

  • Not enrolled in full-time studies?

  • If you answered yes to these questions, you are invited to volunteer in this study of young people making a living in the creative industries.

Please note that the data collection and survey portion of this research project is currently closed. Stay tuned for project results!